Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Technology Driven

Rapid prototyping has influenced many different areas of manufacturing, and is starting to influence some unlikely areas as well, like jewelry design. Here Doug Bucci creates origanal pieces of design by creating first CAD models of them and then having them made through the means of rapid prototyping. These types of forms and delicate shapes were once impossible until the recent rapid prototyping technology had come to be.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Intelligent design

This may not look intelligent, or work very intelligently but it gets to the root of a movement really sweeping the nation and world right now, particularly in the realm of running.

Its the barefoot movement. Born from the idea of running with no shoes is better than running with them has given birth to many different barefoot shoe options for the daily consumer but also to runners.

But this isn't really a "design" but rather a school of thought, one that I have been pondering for a while. Its one born from this new notion that shoes are hurting, not helping us. but i have learned since then that its not the shoes at all, but rather the surface we walk on.

One can easily make the connection between the the light padding in shoes to that of the gentel cushioning by the grass laden earth beneath our feet. But since we have left our primitive roots and have given up plains of grass fro the concrete jungle, we were led naturally to the design and development of shoes by becoming sedentary people and abandoning a life or roaming the earth.

So here an interesting, next step, in the thought of shoes, or rather the next advancement of a new surface.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Design Funnies

Hands Free Umbrella
It may look a bit strange, but its a totally new approach to the age old Umbrella. I just got done watching the product demonstration video and had a good chuckle, but it really does work and is a very interesting concept.

The main thing that has always gotten me about Umbrellas in general is that they rarely keep the bottom half of your clothing dry and focus primarily on your face, shoulders and chest.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Graphic Inspiration


The graphic visual compositions can be a great source of inspiration. Something that us ID individuals sometimes overlook is the fact that we have a be a little bit of everything in the creative world. One of those areas are the boards and inspiration images that we have to put together for presentations and for getting us excited and motivated for new projects.

The graphical work on these boards are crucial to getting points across to individuals, for catching peoples attention, and for holding it.

I feel that this is essential what graffiti tries to do on a regular basis, and just as different things grab our attention over time, graffiti does too, because it is always vying for it and knows that it needs to change and evolve over time to remain effective.

So here is a basic evolution of graffiti and how it changes for the times, and more importantly the people.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Product break down

The product I use most today would be my Chrome messenger bag. Given to me as a gift from my best friend Dana that lives in Bend Oregon. This bag has become my go to bag for my computer, to traveling around the country, to carrying drawings and sketches.

Everything fits in this bag. It has enough room to carry 13x19 (standard US size) paper, glimpse into the intended use. But the bag is brilliant in its simplicity. There is one large compartment, two medium pockets, and two smaller compartments, one with a zipper. I love the layout of the bag because its really open for interpretation, and doesn't demand for you to put certain objects in certain places, its free to be used how I best see fit.

The construction of the bag is really killer as well. Really thick and durable canvas lined with a waterproof lining for those rainy days.

And the main defining feature of the bag would have to be the belt buckle strap, which really gives you a sense of sturdy construction.

Monday, April 11, 2011


The 24th annual International Contemporary Furniture Fair.
May 19th-22

No pictures have been released yet from the show, and finding pictures of things going to be in the show are impossible to find at the moment, I will update later when pictures are posted.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Product Videos

Videos get your heart racing, they get your attention, and they inject great meaning and drive into the viewers in a short amount of time. Of all these things the most important element would have to be the music. There is something quite magical about music and how it effects us.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Good Design / Bad Design

I think one of my favorite websites is it is a compilation of designs that are serioulsy flawed, or just don't quit make sense. in these examples there is almost always a proposed solution to the problem, and almost all problems are real life examples.

So instead of posting Good vs Bad design, I am posting this body of work for everyone to enjoy.