Monday, November 29, 2010

Blogging : as a design tool

I like being in the moment, catching things people say or do while acting out a story or situation out, because thats when it happens for me. The moment when my brain clicks and gets an idea, or an understanding. Its like the classic snap shot.

I think that being in the moment is key to understanding and interpreting systems, problems, and theories. Let me explain, being in the moment doesn't mean sitting at a computer or thinking and rethinking ideas over and over before you type them, its the sudden impulse that flies through your mind at the speed of light. The ah ha moment is, for me, when a brainstorm is happening, or an in depth discussion is going on. Its the connection you have with other people in the moment.

Just look at the snap shot, it has been said that in the day of the digital camera, those rare, hard to catch moments have been lost in the power up stage, resume from sleep or just the hold down the button for 5 sec. before it actually takes.

Blogs have killed the personal interaction for me, thus the ah ha moment. Well for now anyway.

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